SNAPSHOT.EXE - Multipurpose CDROM Backup Program >>> PROGRAM DESCRIPTION <<< SNAPSHOT.EXE allows you to backup just about any CDROM disc on the market today. This includes AUDIO, CDROM, CDROM-XA, CD-I, MIXED-MODE, and (optionally) KARAOKE CD+G. It will also backup most of the game console discs including Sony PlayStation, Sega Saturn, etc. WARNING: This program is NOT freeware or shareware. If you have not purchased and registered the fully-functional version, then you have an illegal copy. NOTE: To backup a KARAOKE CD+G disc, you must have a Yamaha CDR100/102 or Sony CDW-900E recorder. These are the only recorders that allow you to write the R-W subcodes required for CD+G discs. You must also have another CDROM device that can *read* the R-W subcodes as the Yamaha and Sony can only write these subcodes. ************************************************************************* >>> IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ! <<< SNAPSHOT will not copy... - Multisession discs. - Discs with multiple data tracks that are not in the same MODE. - Discs with a data track stored in the extended pregap of the first audio track. - Some CD-R discs that were written with track-at-once recording. I do *not* claim that this program can copy every CDROM on the market. It was not tested with every disc that you might own. Please do not call or send Email because you have one or two discs (out of dozens or hundreds) that will not copy. SNAPSHOT will continue to be improved in the future. ************************************************************************* >>> GAME CONSOLE DISCS <<< When backing up any game console disc (PlayStation, Saturn, 3DO, etc) the following information applies... !!! THIS PROGRAM WILL NOT DEFEAT THE BOOT PROTECTION SCHEME!!! !!! THIS PROGRAM WILL NOT DEFEAT THE BOOT PROTECTION SCHEME!!! !!! THIS PROGRAM WILL NOT DEFEAT THE BOOT PROTECTION SCHEME!!! Please don't send me any Email regarding the defeating of the boot protection. I don't know how do to it and will not offer any advice on this subject. ************************************************************************* >>> SUPPORTED DEVICES <<< The following CDROM devices are currently supported... - Grundig CDR100IPW - Hewlett Packard 4020i - JVC XR-W2001, XR-W2010 - Kodak PCD225 - Olympus CDS-615E (CD-R2) - Philips CDD522, CDD2000 - Pinnacle RCD-1000, RCD-5020, RCD-5040 - Plasmon CDR4220 - Ricoh RO-1420C - Sony CDU-76S, CDU-920S, CDU-924S, CDU-940S - Teac CD-R50S - Yamaha CDR100, CDR102 - Toshiba 3401, 3501, 3601, 3701, 5301, 5401 - Plextor 4Plex, 6Plex, 8Plex WARNING: Do not attempt to use SNAPSHOT/DAO to make CDROM-XA discs on the CDD2000, 4020i, CDR4220, or CDR100IPW recorders with version 1.20 firmware. These recorders have a disc-at-once firmware bug that cause them to write improper CDROM-XA discs. This problem has been fixed in version 1.25. WARNING: The Pinnacle/JVC recorders are very inconsistent at both reading and writing CDROM-XA discs. Therefore, I recommend that you don't record CDROM-XA discs on these models... sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. The new RCD-5040 and XR-W2010 appear to be more stable than previous models. WARNING: All Toshiba 3501 drives made before January 1995 have a firmware bug that causes them to improperly read audio tracks. This problem can usually be worked around by turning off "jitter correction". However, you will probably not get 100% exact copies of the audio data if you do this. WARNING: The Plextor 6Plex with V1.00 firmware has many bugs. If you have this version of the drive, I suggest that you contact Plextor for the latest firmware upgrade (which is V1.06). ************************************************************************* >>> COMMAND LINE USAGE <<< Usage: SNAPSHOT [/ID=ha:id:lun] [/CDG] [/COOKED] [/JC] [/NOJC] [/ISRC] [/MCN] [/SPEED=n] [/SUBCODE=option] [/THRESH] [/BIN] [/MOT] [/WAV] datafile - Output filename for DATA track(s) audiofile - Output filename for AUDIO track(s) cuefile - Output filename for CUE SHEET /ID - SCSI ID of CD reader (default is first found) /CDG - Enable reading of CD+G subcodes /COOKED - Read cooked data (default is raw sectors) /JC - Enable audio 'jitter correction' (default is automatic) /NOJC - Disable audio 'jitter correction' (default is automatic) /ISRC - Read the 'International Standard Recording Codes' /MCN - Read the 'Media Catalog Number' /RESET - Reset device (workaround for firmware bugs) /SPEED=n - Audio reading speed (default is maximum) /SUBCODE - Subcode scanning option... NONE - Disable subcode scan (default) SOME - Scan subcode for pregap indexes only ALL - Scan subcode for all subindexes /THRESH - Subcode scanning threshold (default is 300 sectors) /BIN - Write audio file in Intel binary format /MOT - Write audio file in Motorola binary format /WAV - Write audio file in WAV format (default) The /SPEED switch can be used to change the reading speed of the CDROM drive (not supported by all models). This can be used to slow down very fast drives such as the Plextor 6Plex. If you experience problems reading audio tracks, try lowering the speed to 1x, 2x, or 4x. ********************************************************************** >>> FORMAT OF /ID SWITCH <<< /ID=ha:id:lun ha - SCSI host adapter number (usually zero unless you have more than one SCSI adapter in your system). id - SCSI ID of the CDROM reader/recorder. lun - Logical unit number (usually zero). Example: /ID=0:5:0 ********************************************************************** >>> USING THE /COOKED OPTION <<< By default, SNAPSHOT copies raw 2352 byte data sectors (which includes the header, user data, and error correction codes). While this can give you an exact copy of the disc, some CDROM drives are not very good at reading raw data sectors and errors can occur (and it takes more harddisk space to store the raw image). In many cases it is much better to copy just the user data, and let the CD recorder regenerate the header and error correction codes when the new disc is written. The /COOKED option allows you to read just the user data on both MODE1 (2048 bytes) and MODE2 discs (2336 bytes). This should greatly increase the reliability of reading and recording all MODE1 discs. MODE2 discs are a little trickier to deal with because they can contain two different variations of sectors called FORM1 and FORM2. Here are my recommendations on when to use the /COOKED option depending on what type of disc is being copied and what CD recorder is going to be used to write the new disc... USE /COOKED? MODEL MODE1 MODE2 |-----------------------| | HP No No | |-----------------------| | JVC Yes No | |-----------------------| | OLYMPUS Yes * | |-----------------------| | PHILIPS No No | |-----------------------| | PINNACLE Yes No | |-----------------------| | RICOH No No | |-----------------------| | SONY Yes * | |-----------------------| | TEAC No No | |-----------------------| | YAMAHA Yes * | |-----------------------| * = Your choice! WARNING: Never use /COOKED if you are using an HP, Philips, or Ricoh recorder. These models can only write raw data sectors in DAO mode. ********************************************************************** >>> HOW TO BACKUP A DISC << C:\>SNAPSHOT TEST.RAW TEST.WAV TEST.CUE /ID=ha:id:lun SNAPSHOT reads the original disc from the specified SCSI device and generates two IMAGE files and a CUE SHEET file. The first image file will contain the contents of the data track(s), and the second image file will contain the contents of the audio track(s). You must specify both files even if the original disc doesn't have both data and audio tracks. The CUE SHEET file describes the track layout of the disc. This file is used by DAO.EXE to re-generate the table-of-contents and subcode data on the new disc. WARNING: The output files could require as much as 750Mb of disk space. C:\>DAO TEST.CUE /ID=ha:id:lun DAO.EXE will record the new disc using the files that were generated by SNAPSHOT.EXE ********************************************************************** Please send all suggestions, comments, and bug reports to... Jeff Arnold Golden Hawk Technology 125 Indian Rock Road Merrimack, NH 03054 Phone: 603-424-0269 FAX : 603-429-0073 URL : EMAIL: ********************************************************************** Updated on SEPTEMBER 1, 1996